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Step 1 - Select Topic/Program
>Step 2 - Survey
Step 3 - Comments/Questions

Step 2 of 3 - Survey
- For each of the following statements, select the one which most clearly reflects your answer. You may skip items that do not apply.
- If you do not have any experience with an item, mark "N/A" or "Not Applicable".

Topic/Program Area: Facilities Design & Construction Please select a Location:

1). I am satisfied with the timeliness of the project.

2). I am satisfied with the quality of the design and materials.

3). I am satisfied with the design and functionality of the space.

4). During the construction phase, the Project Manager answered my questions or concerns in a prompt and timely manner.

5). After completion of the construction project, the process of transitioning into the new office space was organized and efficient.

6). TFC staff is knowledgeable and helpful.

7). TFC staff is courteous and professional.

8). When I called, wrote, or emailed, I received a response in a reasonable and timely manner.

9). Complaints were handled in a reasonable and timely manner.

10). Overall, I am satisfied with my experience.